Daily Taurus Horoscope February 28 (28/02)
Apr 20 − May 20
Alias: Alias: The Bull
February 28
daily taurus horoscope:
daily taurus horoscope:
Star 10/10
A decision needs to be made by you and only you, so dont be reliant on an epiphany or moment of clarity coming from others input. Where you might have sought advice or been keen to bounce an idea off of others, doing so now could bring you back to Square One each time. Trust what you think and feel. Your head and heart could be synced in very helpful ways for a change.
Read more...Star 9/10
With an emotional combination of the Moon and Uranus happening in your solar sector of secrets and mystery, an issue youre choosing to keep to yourself could be causing you to constantly change your mind. The more you can apply logic to what youre trying to make sense of and keep emotions out of the equation, the sooner calmness and predictability will return.
Read more...Star 8/10
The coming week is jam-packed with activity in your solar sector of friends, networking and long-term goals. Mercury is very busy opening lines of communication with pals or making interactions with potentially useful contacts possible. This activity is reinforced - and possibly intensified - by a New Moon Solar Eclipse in the same sector. If ever there was a time to see what fortuitous developments can occur by making yourself available and contactable, its this week!
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During February, a process commences that will last until February involving Venus dipping between Aries, Pisces and Taurus. As it wont be until early February that Venus goes retrograde, youll have her influence in the most mysterious part of your chart during February and a secret plan or project could finally be revealed. A Lunar Eclipse on the 10th brings a home/family matter to a head and a Solar Eclipse on the 26th will make clear who your closest friends really are.
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There is a lot to be said for getting some exercise in before you get to work in the morning. Communication difficulties tend to fly by the wayside for those who jog before work, get to the gym when it opens, or even just walk to work. Take your body seriously and you will notice the effects in your personal and professional life. With today\s cosmic climate it\s a good time to negotiate these kinds of commitments with yourself.
Read more...Star 7/10
You\re apt to find yourself making excuses for why you can\t exercise or why you indulge in certain foods that are not exactly nutritious. Don\t bother yourself with excuses! Try to see things for what they are - departures from healthy living included - and you will be stronger as a result. We all take a break from the \"healthy way\" now and then. Try to center yourself through meditation or yoga when it becomes hard to see things for what they are.
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Arguments on the home front could bring a powerful current of tension. One issue could cause sparks. If you feel on edge, it could contribute to tension headaches or sore muscles. This is the last thing you need when you\re busy. The pressure diminishes as the week progresses. The more you can relax your mind and thoughts, the better you\ll feel.
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Jupiter is currently in your health sector and turning retrograde early this month, so it might be time to reassess your fitness level. Diet and other associated factors can create a picture that is either helping you feel really good or encouraging a less healthful attitude. The coming weeks and months are your time to choose wisely and well. If you keep making the right decisions, you\ll gradually see positive improvement. Don\t worry if you fall back now and again. Just pick yourself up and start over. The overall feel-good factor may also be helped by daily spiritual practices to create peace of mind.
Read more...Star 10/10
This is a good time for going ahead with changes in your current relationship. Today\s planetary alignment gives you the confidence and faith to do whatever you have to do. If this involves going out on a first date, then you will have a really good time, with lots of fun and laughter. You will rediscover how good it feels to relax and be yourself.
Read more...Star 8/10
The celestial atmosphere encourages you, as far as love and romance are concerned, to actively pursue someone altogether eligible. This isn\t your normal style, as you are usually far too proud to make it known that you have feelings. But something in the air is encouraging you to give a nod and a wink instead of a cold stare. Go on - make someone\s day.
Read more...Star 9/10
You\ll feel better once you unload all of your dating worries and insecurities on a friend at the start of the week. Having a heart-to-heart chat with your BFF puts your fears to rest and makes you realize that you won\t ever be truly alone if you have good friends by your side. Improving your romantic repertoire through experimentation is fun over the weekend, especially with the right person. Check your inhibitions at the door.
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Jupiter turns retrograde in airy Libra on February 5, which helps you to slow down and think about your last relationship. If it didn\t end on a fair note, plan your steps to make amends. A Full Moon Eclipse in Leo on February 10 is an opportunity to figure out how you can best shine. Highlighting your assets and talents could tip the dating scales in your favor, but try not to brag. Mercury takes a dip into the deep waters of Pisces on February 25, so all communication becomes more meaningful. One wrong slip of the tongue could prohibit a second chance.
Read more...Star 7/10
Your tendency is to think that you have everything under control and working smoothly as a top. This is not exactly the case. What you are failing to notice is the big picture. Taking a step back will reveal much more of the truth.
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Someone in your workplace is taking shortcuts and being rather lazy overall. Meanwhile, you are slaving away and doing twice the work that he or she is doing. Don\t get angry. The other person will get what he or she deserves, and so will you.
Read more...Star 7/10
Don\t feel sorry for yourself or others now. The energy is positive. If you believe it\s possible, you can develop useful connections or ease any stress around the workplace. This is the best time to ask any questions you need answered by management. Extra effort will be satisfying and free up time to focus on other things later. This time begins a month of easier contact with others.
Read more...Star 9/10
A difficult family matter will end near February 10, leaving you free to pursue a more ambitious career track. If you\ve been thinking about operating a home-based business, this would be an ideal time to start. Dealing in luxury products or children\s goods could be extremely profitable for you. Toward the end of the month a Solar Eclipse will invite you to join a professional organization. Forming alliances with people in your field will be beneficial. You\ll be able to pick up some clients from someone who wants to lighten their workload. An apparent competitor could become your best friend.
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