Daily Aquarius Horoscope June 28 (28/06)


Jan 20 − Feb 18

Alias: Alias: The Water Bearer

June 28


daily aquarius horoscope:

summary aquarius daily

Star 10/10

Doing what feels both natural and preferable to you is unlikely to be embraced warmly by others whom your actions might affect. Youre aware of a sense of obligation to adhere to what others want and need but are also aware of how youre compromising your own needs by doing so. Disrupting the status quo will only cause complications. For now, try to suppress your quest for independence.


summary aquarius tomorrow

Star 9/10

You know your heart is in the right place and your reaction to a certain situation or development is the right one because it feels right to you. However, you appear to be hiding behind an emotional wall that provides some level of comfort and prevents you from having to appear vulnerable in some way. There can be many benefits to you involving yourself more emotionally with the situation you feel a need to be detached from. Someone could really do with seeing your softer side now.


summary aquarius weekly

Star 8/10

Menus in restaurants are intended to provide an overview of everything on offer. Were not expected to choose every item on one and choosing to seize a chance to enjoy every delectable item would only raise suspicions and cause problems. This week, youre aware of an array of choices available to you. The idea is, youre supposed to choose one, regardless of how tempting others might appear. Focus only on one that truly inspires you deeply.


summary aquarius monthly

Star 10/10

Matters relating to health and fitness receive strong focus and if youve postponed plans to get fitter, slimmer or kick a habit, then coming weeks bring energy and determination you need. You might need this extra energy to cope with demands at work as projects or assignments could be plonked on your desk or arrive in your inbox at rapid speed. A sensitive matter relating to a friend or group youre involved with could end or be taken to a new level. Either way, your involvement or connection is about to alter.


health aquarius daily

Star 10/10

Balancing the need for emotional security with the drive for independence is an essential part of your life path. This process can be mirrored in how you approach exercise. The security of a daily routine is beneficial and reliable. The drive to do whatever you want, whenever you want can sometimes lead to a gap in progress. If you can\t make exercise happen some days, balance that out with lots of water and no coffee.


health aquarius tomorrow

Star 7/10

The words you use today could have great impact. Be honest and clear within yourself before you try to communicate. Clear your mind by meditation or yoga, running, or spending some time organizing a messy desk. If you feel someone does not understand you, be the first to apologize for any miscommunication. You may feel that someone appears to misunderstand you on purpose! Keep your cool and just restate your feelings. Try to navigate yourself so you avoid conflict today.


health aquarius weekly

Star 9/10

You\re inventive and you love to experiment. That includes testing your body\s reactions to various foods or exercises. You might want to try an experiment now that concerns a health and lifestyle change. See if it\s something worth pursuing. Be completely committed for a month and then assess your progress.


health aquarius monthly

Star 7/10

As the stirring energy of Mars enters your wellness zone on June 4, you may feel motivated to make all kinds of changes to your health routine. But it won\t help you to take on too many at once. Building new habits can take time, so opt for a step-by-step approach. Moods can also impact your progress, so if you don\t feel like doing something, you might decide to not even try. This would be something to work at, though. If you can push beyond this tendency in coming weeks, you can accomplish much, and you may feel more motivated to continue.


love aquarius daily

Star 7/10

The current celestial configuration may make you feel nervous about a social event that you are due to attend. It is not so much the event itself, but more who is going to be there. There is one particular person whom you desperately want to speak to. And yet you are acutely frightened of even looking in their direction. You need to relax and trust in life.


love aquarius tomorrow

Star 10/10

Today\s planetary influences could bring you the necessary insight to help you know what to do regarding a certain romantic relationship. You may have been wondering why that special person seems to be have been oblivious to your charms, and could now find out. You will realize that they are not holding back their favors on purpose to be harsh or cruel, but do have a good reason.


love aquarius weekly

Star 7/10

What happens if you don\t get your way in the first part of the week? Will life go on or will it be the end of the world as you know it? If a date doesn\t cave in, it shows the person has some moxie and is probably a keeper. You aren\t into holding grudges over the weekend, so you\re quick to forgive. You\ll put up with quite a lot when you\re smitten with someone.


love aquarius monthly

Star 7/10

You\re looking for someone unique or unusual at the Sun/Neptune square on June 4, and just any ordinary relationship won\t do. You think too far outside the box to settle for what other people settle for, and the ordinary and mundane can be frustrating and unsatisfying. The Sagittarius Full Moon on June 9 suggests that new exploits are on the way, but something needs to be finalized first. Getting closure is freeing in many ways. A Mars/Jupiter square on June 25 gives you permission to brag about your many talents, but you may be penalized for arrogance or self-centeredness. Sometimes you just can\t win.


career aquarius daily

Star 7/10

Your sensitive compassion will be balm for others when they come running from an ugly situation in the workplace today. Your insight will help put out the fire that has been raging. Stand back from the flames so that you don\t get hurt either.


career aquarius tomorrow

Star 10/10

The tables have turned and you are suddenly in very good standing with your boss and the people around you. Events in the workplace will go smoothly for you and your overall confidence will be stronger than usual. Ask for favors now - don\t wait.


career aquarius weekly

Star 7/10

Be willing to put in some extra time without complaint now. Family connections can help your job prospects. A casual conversation could bring an unexpected opportunity. Enjoy the feeling of greater balance and happiness on the job. The more organized you can be, the more efficient you\ll be. A challenging situation will demand that you take responsibility and stand your ground. Don\t be afraid to say what you think. These times can bring career opportunities, especially if you trust your intuition.


career aquarius monthly

Star 8/10

An important group project will be completed in the days surrounding June 9. Your superiors will be impressed with the result. Don\t be surprised if you\re put in charge of a new division. People enjoy working with you. Your positive attitude is infectious. It\s easy to be innovative when you\re on the scene. You could be offered a stimulating job as June draws to a close. Getting paid to solve problems will be the answer to a prayer. You\d much rather fix problematic systems and products than complain about them. If you\ve been out of work, you could get a job offer that allows you to work from home.



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